Salud y Vida is a group of local organizations dedicated to
improving the health of members of the community.

It is a new program with the mission of helping people with uncontrolled diabetes in the Rio Grande Valley
to achieve optimal health. The Salud y Vida program consists of 3 phases.

Our program and your benefits

Innovative program designed in partnership by local organizations to transform the delivery of chronic care management for type 2 diabetes in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas (RHP 5). This program identifies participants with uncontrolled diabetes (A1c >9) and recruits them to participate in a structured multi-disciplinary program to promote control and/or improvement in the participants’ diabetes and overall health status, resulting in decreased acute care utilization over time.

More About Us

During the transition care phase

We meet with participants with uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c>8.0%) in person and conduct a full assessment of needs to meet your goals for controlling diabetes.

In the chronic care management phase

A team including a Community Health Worker (CHW) will support and educate you, provide referrals to free community resources, such as local diabetes classes and physical activity groups. The CHW will help you find a primary care provider.

The follow-up monitering phase

Will check in with you every three months (for up to 12 months) to ensure that your HbA1c levels remain controlled. We will also provide support via text messages to make sure that you stay healthy.

Is this program for me?

To qualify for the RGV Salud y Vida program
you must meet these certain criteria:

  • Reside in the Rio Grande Valley area
  • Have uncontrollable diabetes (HbA1C>8.0%)
  • Be uninsured, on Medicare or Medicaid
  • Be over 18 years of age
  • Other criteria are considered as well

Contact Us

Listen to testimonials from participants of Salud y Vida and to learn more about the program!

Program benefits
  • Assessment of your needs at your 1st appointment
  • 6 Classes on how to control your diabetes
  • Glucometer and a box of test strips
  • Access to professional teams who treat and monitor your diabetes
  • Exercise Classes
  • Visits by community health workers for education, guidance and support
  • Text message support
  • HbA1C exam every 3 months
  • Assistance in connecting you to a medical provider (if needed)
  • Small incentives for participating and completing goals (ex. $5 gift cards, medication cooler bags)
  • Support groups
The Salud y Vida program holds as its vision that underserved participants with type 2 diabetes
mellitus will achieve improved self-management and health following participation
in the Chronic Care Management Program.

The goal is to empower each participant, and their families, to understand their diagnosed chronic condition and to bridge the gap from living with uncontrolled
diabetes to controlled diabetes by providing patient-centered comprehensive care utilizing a multi-disciplinary health education delivery method
and medical treatment coordinated with primary care.

Patient Contact Form

Salud y Vida is a partnership between a number of hospitals, primary care clinics, health care providers, universities, health information management organizations and outreach organizations across RHP 5

The multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional care team/partnership includes: UTHSCSA, UT School of Public Health, Valley Baptist Hospital, McAllen Medical Center, Proyecto Juan Diego, MHP Salud, Su Clínica Familiar, Brownsville Community Health Center, Nuestra Clínica del Valle, Rio Grande Valley Health Information Exchange, and Tropical Texas Behavioral Health.

Our Partners!